Sunday, July 18, 2010

my real grey's anatomy...

Wow!!!what a great birthday celebration i've got this year. I've told u guys rite my birthday is on 16july the day i msk ward. that night i asked for permission not to stay in the hospital. n they allowed me, but with my own risk la kan. cos sepatutnye i kana overnite kt hospital cos it easy for the nurse tu pantau me. N on 17july at 11am i dah nk kena masuk biik bedah. tp takpe lah dah they allow i pon ape lagi i. beside it was my birthday kan..KITE ENJOYYYY!!!
I kena masuk penang government hospital. Ingt asalnye my mum je yg nk temankan i stay kt penang. pas2 tetibe my adik, fattah tukar plan die sendiri n decided to come stay with us. Then pas afew hour dad called die kate die n my big brother pon nk dtg overnite kt penang with us.. So what to do..THE MORE THE MARRIERRRR!!!
That nity on 16july. We were about goin to celebrate my birthday at kapitan (standard r penang kalau x kapitan mne lg yg sesedap tandoori kapitan penang rite) My dad mengalirkan air mata buat kedua kalinye selepas his dad, my malacca grandad past way. My mum told him bout what the doc had told me. The doc said.. kedudukan my wisdom teeth is abit critical. sbb dekat dgn urat. So dalam semua operation, mesti ade risk dia sendiri. doc kata kalau TERPOTONG that urat. my life will melayang la. My dad dgr-dgr je possibbility my nyawa melayang trus into tears. I was speechless. padahal before that i was okeh with it. Tp bile my dad nanges. I trus g kt my mum n i told her that i was afraid n i don't want to do this surgery. Mum told me if i did do it now.."nnt kt UK nnt sakit. U gonna suffer u know, who's goin to be with u??".. again i was speechless~only tears can explain it..Nk mkn tandoori kapitan pon dah tak selera u knw..Tp i saw my dad tabah for me. Thanks both my parents the nity on 16july at penang's hotel both of them tak tido mlm sbb they pray for me the whole nity hopping that the surgery gone well..syukur..MY LIFE ALMOST GONE!!
So on the 17july at 11am i msk bilik bedah. The doc bagi i gas bius. N they inject my hand sbb nk mskan glucose utk bagi tenaga rite(if im not mistaken la). Memang i was really afraid. What if it was my last day alife?? What if it was my last time with my parents?? What if i will never meet them again soon??(perasaan i bercampur...i sgt takut..hanya Allah yg tahu) Time dah dalam bilik bedah i berserah je pada Allah. Beside dah bagi gas bius.. i ape lagi pengsan rrrrr..serius i tak bole layan the gas..DAMN THE DRUG SO GOOD...hahahahha..I tak tahu dah ape jadi to myself kt dalam operation room. tp i bole rasa the doc masukan tiub dalam my throat. I think that tiub is long enough for me to feel pain..lame plak tuh the thing dok dlm my throat..about 1hours i guess..haaaiiyoosss..DAMN THE DRUG SOO GOOD AGAIN!!! :P
Settle je operation i dikuarkan from the operation room tuk tggu nurse bwk i msk ward. But before that, they need to be wake me up from the sleep la. i head sorg doc perempuan ni panggil name i "farahiyah farahiyah bangun dah selasai dah" i bangun-bangun HAMBIK ENGKAU.. SESAK NAFAS U.. MENGELABAH DOC CARI OKSIGEN..tercungap-cungap i..Sambil doc perempuan tu pegang tangan i die kate lagi.."farahiyah saba k dah letak oksigen da(sambil doc tu pegang2 bantuan penanfasan kt mulut i tuh) ok tak pe tak pe farahiyah tido k"sambil air mata mengalir(tak bole meraung u..mulut kena jahit..kihkihkih..kalau tak dah lame dah i teriak)maybe jadik camtu sbb i takut kot..Ingt dah mati..GGGRRR SO SCARRY!!
p/s : sepatutnye entries ni ade pic..but i was abit lazy nk letak..sbb all the pic semua ade dlm my mum's hp..almaklum lah org sakit mne bole tangkap gmbar byk2.. over plak die..haiissshh

Thursday, July 15, 2010

So Takot!!!!!

Tomorrow at 16th of July morning i kena masuk wad.. Ni semua sebab braces la.. i never know that the doc yg incharge for my braces suruh i buat operation mulut untuk keluarkan my wisdom teeth.. the surgery will be on 17th morning..
This is abit of in information that i search about wisdom teeth..(bukan utk takutkan org yer..for information only)..

Mcm ni la contoh my wisdom teeth yg nk tumbuh n ade yg dah tumbuh n get infected

(wisdom teeth ni ada afews way die akn tumbuh..n some way to akan membuatkan the teeth boleh kne infected cepat if the food always stuck between wisdom n maxillary molar..)

A wisdom tooth is in humans any of the usually four third molars, including mandibular third molar and maxillary third molar. Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25.[1] Most adults have four wisdom teeth, but it is possible to have more, in which case they are called supernumerary teeth. Wisdom teeth commonly affect other teeth as they develop, becoming impacted or "coming in sideways".[2] They are often extracted when this occurs.

Main article: Dental extraction

Wisdom teeth are extracted for two general reasons: either the wisdom teeth have already become impacted, or the wisdom teeth could potentially become problematic if not extracted. Potential problems caused by the presence of properly grown-in wisdom teeth include infections caused by food particles easily trapped in the jaw area behind the wisdom teeth where regular brushing and flossing is difficult and ineffective. Such infections may be frequent, and cause considerable pain and medical danger. Other reasons wisdom teeth are removed include misalignment which rubs up against the tongue or cheek causing pain, potential crowding or malocclusion of the remaining teeth (a result of there being not enough room on the jaw/ in the mouth), as well as orthodontics.[5]

Haaa can u guys see that on the right below the wisdom teeth yg tumbuh horizontally.. gigi wisdom tu la yg slalu akan menyusahkkan n makanan slalu stuck..n the doc akan bedah n keluarkan that wisdom teeth tu..

So the conclusion for this matter is the doc advice me to do the surgery.. foryrinfo this is mt 1st time doing it..n the most thing yg membuatkan i lagi takut is, i need to be in GA(general anaesthetic) n meaning i kne sleep sepanjang the surgery happen (1st time beb.. 1st mesti rr cuak). Plus i tak pernah tido kt HOSPITAL.. specially government hospital.. i never wanted to sleep in the hospital.. ok la if i hv to, i will be shot for private hospital..(tu pon time i nk pregnant nnt.. paling lebih 2 mlm je i boleh.. not more than that.) NEVER EVER EVERRRRR!!!GRRR!!

The operation will be slightly abit like this i think so.. btw b4 the operation i need to clear everything from coming into my body..meaning i kne fasting 12hours before the surgery..
Slalunya the doc akan keluarkan atleast 2 wisdom teeth. Sama ada upper right wisdom n lower right wisdom OR upper left wisdom n lower right wisdom OR lower right wisdom n lower left wisdom n vice versa la kan paham-paham jela k.. so nmpk mcm kesakitan i akan double la sbb 2 gigi at the same time.. UUURRGGG TAKUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!
*Please guys pray for me.. kenangku dalam doamu (melalut tetgh malam...)
n another thing pic dlm ni adalah hanya gambar-gambar hiasan k..bukan diri i lagi..

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Please Stop Ticking!!!

The moment i tulis this entry. I rasa i dah ada dalam mimpi dah.. u know why?? sbb i mengantuk sangat-sangat. I just arrived home from KL last few hours. Everthing is unthinkable(wah.wah.wah cam lagu alicia keys dah haa....)Bulan ni havoc gilerrr..last week i was in negeri sembilan.. Ikut my mum managing her netball team..(kirenye i ni cam asst manager rrrrr..) It's was fun.. my mum's team pakai khidmat coach asia to latih her team OKEH!!!(takmau kalah u..) tu ade ajar i the correct way to shot the ball.. excited gile siap i yg dok tepi-tepi ni pon lagi kehulu-kehilir nk bagi support.. hahahahah..

*excited la sbb time kt skool dulu x berpeluang nk main netball..i layan hockey ngn swimming je

they won for the 2nd place!!!can't beat the terangganu's team..soo kuat

(c the body la kan..hee)

yesterday plak i bertolak g KL..actually the pre-departure briefing is on 13th july.. haiiioossshh sesuke ati jek mat salleh ni g tukar date to 12th july..i dpt the email plak last minute..memang mengelabah r the parents.. kne mintak clash plak with my debond braces (foryrinfo debond tu mean that i will be taking off the braces)..dengar-dengar nk bukak braces trus happy gilerrr..dah xpenyabar dah katekan..haiiisshh..perasaan semua dah cukup perfect dah wa cakap lu beb..skali g klinik..haiiiiissshhhh!! marah tau x marah.. bole plak technician yg nk bkk braces tu boleh tak datang plak..haiiissshh..bangang tol.. dah la i pakai braces kt PENANG.. im staying in KEDAH..sheecctt!!die ingt i g penang jalan kaki ke ape x payah bayar toll plus the minyak plus rushing to KL for the pre-departure at 7pm..GILA GILA GILA the doc pon GILA.. dah tau i nk bkk braces bole plak the technician bole tak de kt klinik.. (n btw i x tahu la plak nk bkk braces pon kne pakai khidmat technician..dasyat tol..the doc itself takan taktau bkk kot..HAIIISSHH GOMEN GOMEN.. )

OWH pasal g kl tu kan i pon selesai settle wif the doc n postponed the date to debond the braces.. me n my parents pon gerak la g kl around kol 1pm la jugak kluar from penang.. reach KL around 430pm camtu..straight to the travel the flight ticket on the date yg still avialable lg..U know really kelam kelibut kot..then settle the ticket.. check in hotel..takdan rehat 15 minutes dah kne kluar to go to treader hotel for the briefing..

ALAAIIHH i tell u guys.. the minah salleh tu ckp bende simple je..pasal
-do n don't time at the airport
-what to bring...such as family photo..passport..etc etc
-brings the national cloth
-when yr luggage tak kluar or missing ke they told u not to panic la..n whatsoever lg la..n u need to discribe yr own luggage in detail la..bla bla bla lagi la so that the airport staff can seach for it...

Finish je the briefing the representative trus soh i n dtg lg skali next week to settle the visa la plak..haiiishhh borang pon x isi lagi..fenin-fenin!!

*ni yg i x tido lg ni dok isi borang la ni.. banyak plak form yg nk kne isi..